"Behold! Children are a gift from the Lord" proclaims the writer of Psalms 127. At Boyd Baptist Church, we are committed to the teaching of the Lord's truth to our children in the hopes that they walk with the Lord throughout their lives.
BBC Kids
Sunday mornings at 9:45am. Our version of Sunday School for all ages (even Moms & Dads)
King's Kids
Wednesday Evenings at 6:16pm for kids K-6th grade. Childcare available for younger kids as well. Free dinner provided at 5:45pm!
Youth DiscipleLife
Sunday mornings at 9:45am and Sunday evenings at 6pm for grades 7 - 12 in the Youth Center.
Youth Group
Wednesdays at 6:15pm for grades 7 - 12 in the Youth Center. Free dinner provided at 5:45pm!